We recognise that, while dealing with any bereavement is complex, the death of a child is among the most devastating events an employee can ever face.

This policy reiterates our commitment to supporting our employees through their grief by ensuring that bereaved parents can take parental bereavement leave.

This policy applies to employees who have lost a child (i.e. under 18) on or after 6 April 2020. The policy also applies to parents who suffer a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy.

Who Can Take Parental Bereavement Leave

Whatever your length of service, you can take parental bereavement leave if you are the:

In practice, this means that most employees with parental responsibility for a child who passes away on or after 6 April 2020 can take parental bereavement leave.

If you have suffered a bereavement but are unsure if you are entitled to parental bereavement leave, you should contact your line for clarification.

What Leave a Bereaved Parent Can Take?

For each child who has passed away, a bereaved parent can take one- or two-weeks' parental bereavement leave.

Parental bereavement leave is not available as individual days.

Timing of Parental Bereavement Leave

If you are a bereaved parent, you can take the rest as: