
This policy sets out the rights of employees experiencing menopausal symptoms and explains the support available to them.

We are committed to creating an open and supportive culture. We want you to feel comfortable speaking about how menopause-related symptoms may be affecting you at work and be able to ask for the support that you need to help you manage your symptoms.

This policy does not form part of your contract of employment, and we reserve the right to amend or withdraw it at any time.


This policy applies to anyone working for us. This includes employees, workers, contractors, volunteers, interns and apprentices.

In this policy, where we refer to menopause, this also includes perimenopause.

Symptoms of menopause

Menopause is a natural event during which a person stops having periods and experiences hormonal changes, such as decreased oestrogen levels.

Menopause usually occurs between the ages of 45 and 55 and typically lasts four to eight years. Occasionally, menopausal symptoms can begin before the age of 40.

Perimenopause, or menopause transition, begins several years before menopause. An individual may start to experience menopausal symptoms during the final two years of perimenopause.

While menopausal symptoms vary greatly, they commonly include the following: