We aim to have a zero-accident or work-related health incident environment. To achieve this, we and all employees, including you, must follow best practice and comply with legislation regarding health and safety. You must ensure your work is carried out safely. Safety is a core part of effective management and critical to our professional reputation.

The information about health and safety are an overview only, and you should always refer.

The Health and Safety policy for full details and broader health and safety topics.


Fire presents a significant risk to us. It can seriously kill or injure employees or visitors and damage or destroy buildings, equipment, and stock. You must cooperate with us to ensure the workplace is safe from fire and its effects, and you must not do anything which will l place yourself or others at risk. You must inform your line manager if you discover any significant risk of fire which might affect the safety of others and cooperate with all measures to reduce risks. You should ensure you know about the fire warning system and how to operate and respond to it.

The following simple points will help to reduce the risk of fire:

Accident Investigation

An accident can be described as an unplanned or unforeseen event.   We take an objective “no blame” attitude to investigating any accident". We will thoroughly investigate all accidents or near misses to ensure no recurrence and to improve health and safety performance. The type and level of investigation will be appropriate to the circumstances and carried out by a trained and competent person. Any subsequent investigation will be a factual account with an objective conclusion and will identify practical recommendations. If external authorities carry out an investigation, you are expected to give your full co-operation. All accidents, however minor, must be reported.

Work Equipment

We provide suitable and safe equipment for you to carry out your job and look to reduce any risks associated with working with that equipment. For example, the equipment is maintained and tested, and instruction or training is given. You should always use any equipment appropriately and safely.

First Aid

We will provide trained first aiders with appropriate equipment and facilities to deal with basic injuries or ill health at work. If you become a First Aider, we will provide proper training. As a First Aider, you must ensure that personal data (including information about an individual) collected during the provision of first aid is handled per the GDPR policy.

Travelling by Car

We take a view regarding car travel that you should have the right skills and exhibit good behaviour. You must use your judgement to ensure the risk to you and others is as low as practical.

If you are asked to drive on company business, you must hold a valid and current licence to drive the relevant type of vehicle. We will ensure that any company car provided has a current MOT certificate and that you are insured to drive the vehicle. If you are required to drive your vehicle for business purposes, you must ensure that your vehicle holds a current MOT certificate and is insured for business use.