Flexible work can increase employee motivation, promote work-life balance, reduce stress, and improve performance and productivity. Once you have completed a minimum of 26 weeks of continuous service, you have the right to request flexible working and to consider your request seriously by us.

Requests for Flexible Working

A request for flexible working could include a request for a change to the number of hours you work, a request for a change to the pattern of hours worked, a request to job share or a request to perform some or all of the work from your home.

All requests must be made in writing by filling in the flexible working application form, which is available upon request from your line manager. Any request made under this policy must include the following:

We will not reject out of hand a request that does not contain the required information. Line managers should explain what additional or amended information they need you to provide and ask you to resubmit the request.

Meeting to Discuss a Flexible Working Request

Once we receive the request, it will be dealt with as soon as possible, but by the deadline below. Your line manager must arrange a meeting to deal with your request. Where a request can, without further discussion, be approved in the terms stated in your written application, a meeting will not be necessary.

You will be given the right to be accompanied by a work colleague at any flexible working meeting. The meeting should take place in a private meeting room to keep the discussion away from other employees. The meeting aims to learn more about the proposed working arrangements and how they could benefit you and us.

The outcome of a Flexible Working Request

After the meeting, we will carefully consider the proposed flexible working arrangements, weighing up the potential benefits to yourself and us against any adverse impact of implementing the changes. Each request will be considered on a case-by-case basis: agreeing to one request will not set a precedent or create the right for other employees to be granted a similar change to their working pattern.

You will be informed in writing of the decision as soon as reasonably practicable after the meeting, but by the deadline below. The request may be granted in full or in part; for example, your Employer may propose a modified version of the request; the request may be granted temporarily, or you may be asked to try the flexible working arrangement for a trial period. You will be given the right to appeal the decision if your request is not upheld or is upheld in part.