
Our organisation is made up of brilliant people. Each of us is unique in terms of our background, personal characteristics, experience, skills or motivations. And we value our people for the differences they bring to the table.

Fostering an inclusive culture helps us benefit from a wider range of these different perspectives, experiences and skills. This creates a happier, more productive working environment for us all.

To support this inclusive culture, this policy:

This policy does not form part of your contract of employment, and we reserve the right to amend or withdraw it at any time.


This policy applies to anyone working for us. This includes employees, workers, contractors, volunteers, interns and apprentices. The policy also relates to job applicants and is relevant to all stages of the employment relationship.

The policy accompanies any other equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) policies adopted by the organisation, for example, Transgender equality policy, Menopause policy, etc.

Our commitment to you

We believe that a culture of equality, diversity and inclusion benefits our organisation and supports wellbeing and enables our people to work better because they can be themselves and feel that they belong.

We are committed to promoting a working environment based on dignity, trust and respect and free from discrimination, harassment, bullying or victimisation.

We ensure that our recruitment, promotion and retention procedures do not treat people less favourably because of their: