Everything we do at EDNA is based around our three Pillars, We believe that having a balanced effort across all three is the key to a happy, healthy business that creates stand out work!


The quality and nature of our output is what defines us, it’s our primary currency and is what we ‘sell’ to our clients. It needs to deliver real value for clients but also challenge and push us forward.

Creative Values

Stand apart Deviate from the norm—it’s how we make progress. Be comfortable with the uncomfortable.

Inclusively creative Creativity isn’t just for creatives. This is a no-ego zone—The answer will be better if we find it together.

Ask why? Challenge convention and ourselves. Ask the difficult question, have an opinion and don’t be afraid to use it.


We are a human-first business so the well-being and development of our people is at the forefront of our decision making. We also have a wider responsibility to contribute to society positively.

Culture Values

Respect choices Create a space in which people can be themselves and one in which they don’t have to choose between work and life.

Give back Contribute our time, knowledge and resources to build a better creative community, now and in the future.

Keep it moving It’s never done, keep questioning how we can do better for our people and communities.


Our commercial success determines how much impact we can make in other areas—it facilitates our ambitions and makes them real. It is fundamental to building a robust long-term business.

Commercial Values

Fair financials Build an open dialogue about finances, treat colleagues fairly and share our success.

Add value Exceed expectations and deliver clients value for money—regardless of their size or budget.

Invest in people Allocate time, resources and capital to help our people grow professionally and personally.