
This policy sets out your rights to compassionate leave. The purpose of compassionate leave is to help you to come to terms with the death of a loved one, a critical illness or injury involving an immediate family member, or serious personal relationship problems.

"Immediate family member," in this policy, means the employee's spouse, civil partner, partner, parent, child, sibling, grandparent, or grandchild.

This policy does not apply and does not affect your statutory right to take time off for dependants or parental bereavement leave. Please see our separate policies for more information.

Some domestic emergencies, such as a fire or a flood, would require your presence of you at home, and a degree of sympathy would be appropriate in the event of a request for time off work in such circumstances,

The policy does not form part of your contract of employment, and we reserve the right to amend it at any time.

Entitlement to compassionate leave


In the event of the death of an immediate family member, you are entitled to up to 10 days paid compassionate leave.

Each case will be viewed sympathetically, and the amount of leave granted will depend on the individual's circumstances. Relevant factors that will be considered include your relationship with the deceased, domestic responsibilities, and travel requirements.

In the case of the death of another close relative, for example, an aunt, uncle, cousin or parent-in-law, or a close friend, you are entitled to paid leave to attend the funeral.

Other circumstances

In the event of a critical illness or injury of an immediate family member or a serious personal relationship problem, you are entitled to up to 10 days paid compassionate leave in any 12 months/for a one-off incident.

Each case will be viewed sympathetically, and the amount of leave granted will depend on the employee's circumstances. Relevant factors that will be considered include the nature of the incident and, if applicable, the closeness of the relationship.

Requesting compassionate leave

You should inform your line manager of the need to take compassionate leave as soon as reasonably practicable or, at the latest, on the first day you are absent.

If you wish to take further leave, you should request annual leave as usual.


We recognise that dealing with a bereavement, a critical illness or injury of an immediate family member, or a serious personal relationship problem can be among the most significant challenges. We will do what we can to support you.